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Celebrating Loyalty: Renewed Long Term Agreements with 5 Key Partners

Image of man sitting at edge of a dock enjoying the moutain scenery

Today, we proudly celebrate renewed agreements for extended long-term agreements with five partners including, Choice Hotels, Emirates, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Virgin Atlantic, and Qatar Airways. Our partners trust us to deliver incredible customer experiences and we are thrilled to continue enhancing the loyalty journey with products designed to help maximize members’ ability to earn and use points/miles.

A Trusted Partner

We have fostered long-standing relationships with our loyalty partners with some spanning over 15 years. This continuity allows us to continue to gain a deep level of understanding into their loyalty program needs and deliver tailored solutions and strategic insight that extends far beyond the scope of a traditional vendor-client relationship. Being a trusted partner means we understand the unique challenges our loyalty program partners face and we actively collaborate with their team to develop solutions that deliver consistent results.

Revolutionizing Loyalty Programs

At the heart of our successful partnerships lies our innovative and tailored suite of loyalty solutions that have revolutionized how our partners engage with their customers. By understanding the power of personalized experiences that members demand, we have developed products like Buy, Top Up, Gift, Transfer, and Accelerator which help members earn and redeem their loyalty currency seamlessly all while deepening loyalty and increasing revenue for our partners.

The Power of the Points, a Plusgrade company Network 

Our robust global network of loyalty program partnerships across industries enables us to leverage our combined loyalty marketing expertise to better inform us when devising promotional or marketing campaigns. With 92 billion points/miles transacted annually across 60+ loyalty programs worldwide, our vantage point on member behaviour enables us to adopt effective data-driven techniques and create more targeted promotions that increase overall yield. In 2022, Plusgrade acquired Points, bringing two of the largest sources of ancillary revenue under one roof to create an even greater impact for travel businesses worldwide.

We take pride in being a trusted partner and the renewed agreements stand as a testament to our ability to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the loyalty industry. Together, we are poised to deliver exceptional member experiences that shape the future of loyalty programs. 

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  "postBodyRss" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Image of man sitting at edge of a dock enjoying the moutain scenery\" width=\"1742\" height=\"661\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 1742px;\"></p>\n<p>Today, we proudly celebrate renewed agreements for extended long-term agreements with five partners including, Choice Hotels, Emirates, Hilton Hotels &amp; Resorts, Virgin Atlantic, and Qatar Airways. Our partners trust us to deliver incredible customer experiences and we are thrilled to continue enhancing the loyalty journey with products designed to help maximize members’ ability to earn and use points/miles.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h4>A Trusted Partner</h4>\n<p>We have fostered long-standing relationships with our loyalty partners with some spanning over 15 years. This continuity allows us to continue to gain a deep level of understanding into their loyalty program needs and deliver tailored solutions and strategic insight that extends far beyond the scope of a traditional vendor-client relationship. Being a trusted partner means we understand the unique challenges our loyalty program partners face and we actively collaborate with their team to develop solutions that deliver consistent results.</p>\n<h4>Revolutionizing Loyalty Programs</h4>\n<p>At the heart of our successful partnerships lies our innovative and tailored suite of loyalty solutions that have revolutionized how our partners engage with their customers. By understanding the power of personalized experiences that members demand, we have developed products like Buy, Top Up, Gift, Transfer, and Accelerator which help members earn and redeem their loyalty currency seamlessly all while deepening loyalty and increasing revenue for our partners.</p>\n<h4>The Power of the Points, a Plusgrade company Network&nbsp;</h4>\n<p>Our robust global network of loyalty program partnerships across industries enables us to leverage our combined loyalty marketing expertise to better inform us when devising promotional or marketing campaigns. With 92 billion points/miles transacted annually across 60+ loyalty programs worldwide, our vantage point on member behaviour enables us to adopt effective data-driven techniques and create more targeted promotions that increase overall yield. In 2022, <a href=\"/plusgrade-and-points-officially-join-forces\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Plusgrade acquired Points</a>, bringing two of the largest sources of ancillary revenue under one roof to create an even greater impact for travel businesses worldwide.<br><br>We take pride in being a trusted partner and the renewed agreements stand as a testament to our ability to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the loyalty industry. Together, we are poised to deliver exceptional member experiences that shape the future of loyalty programs.&nbsp;</p>",
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  "postSummaryRss" : "<p>Today, we proudly celebrate renewed agreements for extended long-term agreements with five partners including, Choice Hotels, Emirates, Hilton Hotels &amp; Resorts, Virgin Atlantic, and Qatar Airways. Our partners trust us to deliver incredible customer experiences and we are thrilled to continue enhancing the loyalty journey with products designed to help maximize members’ ability to earn and use points/miles.</p>",
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