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"postBody" : "{%- set hs_blog_post_body -%}\n {%- set in_blog_post_body = true -%}\n <span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n<!--more--></span>\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- set hs_blog_post_summary -%}\n <p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %}",
"postBodyRss" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n<!--more-->",
"postEmailContent" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p> \n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p> \n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p> \n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p> \n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
"postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Points_News-Insights_Thumbnail.png",
"postListContent" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p> \n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p> \n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p> \n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p> \n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
"postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Points_News-Insights_Thumbnail.png",
"postRssContent" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p> \n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p> \n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p> \n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p> \n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
"postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Points_News-Insights_Thumbnail.png",
"postSummary" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n",
"postSummaryRss" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p> \n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p> \n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p> \n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p> \n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
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"rssBody" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n<!--more-->",
"rssSummary" : "<p style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We recently implemented a new feature that offers Emirates Skywards members a chance to multiply their Skywards Miles, and in turn, unlock a wide range of rewards and privileges even faster.</p>\n<p>With Multiply Miles members can easily accelerate their balance so that they can enjoy the next reward sooner. Almost any Skywards Miles can be boosted - inclu</p>\n<p>ding those gained from credit card spending and retail purchases as well as previous flights - providing members with an easy, cost-effective and convenient solution to top up their balance. Members get access to an exclusive mileage rate and choose to double, triple, or quadruple their accrued Miles up to an additional 50,000 Miles every year.</p>\n<p>Multiply Miles leverages our Accelerate Anything product solution. Fully customizable to meet loyalty program strategic objectives, and easy to implement, Accelerate Anything enables loyalty program members to multiply almost any of their prior earnings, opening up immediate member engagement opportunities for travel hotel and airline programs.</p>\n<p>We have been working with Emirates since 2018 and during that time we have introduced multiple ways for Emirates Skywards members to get more from their Miles, providing the loyalty program with valuable new revenue streams. Most recently we introduced an exchange program with Mashreq Bank enabling their customers to convert their reward points into Emirates Skywards Miles.<br><br>You can read more about the implementation of Multiple Miles <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/points-introduces-new-multiply-miles-feature-emirates-skywards\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>\n",
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