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Building, Buying, Boosting: Insights From a Year of Members' Loyalty Currency Behaviour During a Pandemic

After the one-year mark of pandemic-related travel restrictions, we combed our cross-partner data for insights into members’ currency purchasing behavior over the past year.

We found that even when members aren’t traveling for a lengthy period of time, their brand affinity doesn’t have to diminish. In fact, during the pandemic, members have been seeking out new and different ways to build their currency balances in anticipation for a return to travel.

Collected from March 2020 to February 2021, this data includes:

  • Global averages on the increased basket size of points/miles purchases
  • How members who are earning points/miles show a desire to earn even more
  • Why members still want to build their balances, in their own words

Read the full analysis by downloading our report now.


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