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News & Insights

New Joint Partnership with Ethiopian Airlines and Amadeus

We are pleased to begin a joint collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines and Amadeus. We value the opportunity to work with one of the region’s leading airlines (our first business partner in Africa); renowned for operating one of the continent’s youngest and most economic fleets across a pan-African route network. We are also delighted to be strengthening our ongoing partnership with Amadeus, who already provides loyalty capabilities to the region’s flagship carrier. 

The product implementation we have introduced together gives members of Ethiopian Airlines’ ShebaMiles loyalty program the ability to purchase miles online – which was previously only available offline – and the new option to gift or transfer miles to friends and family. As well as providing members with more control over their currency, the product implementations are significant as they serve to advance Ethiopian’s digital strategy. 

Being able to offer members a personalized online experience, including sophisticated mileage purchasing promotions, will be key when ensuring ongoing engagement with the program. We are also planning additional loyalty retailing capabilities to improve the overall member experience even further in the near future.

You can read more about this announcement here.

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  "rssBody" : "<p>We are pleased to begin a joint collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines and Amadeus. We value the opportunity to work with one of the region’s leading airlines (our first business partner in Africa); renowned for operating one of the continent’s youngest and most economic fleets across a pan-African route network. We are also delighted to be strengthening our ongoing partnership with Amadeus, who already provides loyalty capabilities to the region’s flagship carrier.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>The product implementation we have introduced together gives members of Ethiopian Airlines’ ShebaMiles loyalty program the ability to purchase miles online – which was previously only available offline – and the new option to gift or transfer miles to friends and family. As well as providing members with more control over their currency, the product implementations are significant as they serve to advance Ethiopian’s digital strategy.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Being able to offer members a personalized online experience, including sophisticated mileage purchasing promotions, will be key when ensuring ongoing engagement with the program. We are also planning additional loyalty retailing capabilities to improve the overall member experience even further in the near future.</p>\n<p>You can read more about this announcement <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span>here</span></a>.</p>",
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