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News & Insights

New partnership with Virgin Red and Collinson Valuedynamx

We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.

We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.

This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.

You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing here

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  "postBodyRss" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
  "postEmailContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
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  "postListContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
  "postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "",
  "postRssContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
  "postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "",
  "postSummary" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
  "postSummaryRss" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
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  "rssBody" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
  "rssSummary" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We are delighted to be playing a key part in the launch of Virgin’s new loyalty program, Virgin Red, with the implementation of a new online shopping solution for Virgin Red members</span>. Powered by ourselves and our longstanding partner, Collinson Valuedynamx, the new online shopping portal enables Virgin Red members to earn Virgin Points when shopping online with the brands they love.<br><br>We have been working alongside Collinson to power the Shops Away earning platform for Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club since 2013 and so we are delighted to be extending that partnership now and to be playing an integral role in the development of one of Virgin Red’s new member benefits.<br><br>This new online shopping portal is one of several new ways Virgin Red members now have to earn and redeem Virgin Points on non-travel related transactions. The pandemic has impacted many consumers’ travel habits and so being able to offer our partners different ways to engage with their members as their travel habits continue to evolve is increasingly important.<br><br>You can read more about this new partnership in this article by Decision Marketing <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></p>",
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