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News & Insights

New Joint Partnership: Caribbean Airlines and Amadeus

We are pleased to be entering into a joint partnership with Amadeus and Caribbean Airlines that will make it possible for the airline’s loyalty program to better stimulate future demand to purchase miles while capacity is much reduced due to the ongoing global impact of COVID-19.

Caribbean Airlines now benefits from a seamless integration between our Loyalty Commerce Platform and Amadeus’ Loyalty Management solutions, that in turn will offer Caribbean Miles members a much more personalized experience when they purchase miles to boost their own balance, transfer miles, or for the first time, gift miles to family and friends. We plan to roll out even more member engagement options for the Caribbean Miles loyalty program later this year.

By partnering with Points, the Caribbean Miles team can look forward to significantly more guaranteed ancillary revenue and engagement for the loyalty program, especially important during this period of reduced travel demand. Our team of loyalty experts will deploy sophisticated marketing campaigns and offer members tailored ‘buy miles’ promotions without the need for Caribbean Miles to incur any additional costs or operational resources.

The partnership with Amadeus enables us to build out Caribbean Airlines’ already robust loyalty program, to help maximize its loyalty potential and ensure Caribbean Miles is a driving force in the region for years to come.

You can read the full announcement here.

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  "rssBody" : "<p>We are pleased to be entering into a joint partnership with Amadeus and Caribbean Airlines that will make it possible for the airline’s loyalty program to better stimulate future demand to purchase miles while capacity is much reduced due to the ongoing global impact of COVID-19.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Caribbean Airlines now benefits from a seamless integration between our Loyalty Commerce Platform and Amadeus’ Loyalty Management solutions, that in turn will offer Caribbean Miles members a much more personalized experience when they purchase miles to boost their own balance, transfer miles, or for the first time, gift miles to family and friends. We plan to roll out even more member engagement options for the Caribbean Miles loyalty program later this year.</p>\n<p>By partnering with Points, the Caribbean Miles team can look forward to significantly more guaranteed ancillary revenue and engagement for the loyalty program, especially important during this period of reduced travel demand. Our team of loyalty experts will deploy sophisticated marketing campaigns and offer members tailored ‘buy miles’ promotions without the need for Caribbean Miles to incur any additional costs or operational resources.</p>\n<p>The partnership with Amadeus enables us to build out Caribbean Airlines’ already robust loyalty program, to help maximize its loyalty potential and ensure Caribbean Miles is a driving force in the region for years to come.</p>\n<p>You can read the full announcement <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span>here</span></a>.</p>",
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