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"post_summary" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"post_body" : "<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br><!--more-->The period of reduced travel that followed the onset of the pandemic impacted many loyalty members’ ability to accumulate points/miles. <br><br>Now with ConnectMiles Accelerator, members can multiply miles they have earned not only via flying, but also through credit card spend, online shopping and transactions via third parties such as hotels and car rental providers. In addition, they can choose how many times they multiply their miles, by up to three times their value, and also have the option to boost up to 200,000 miles a year using ConnectMiles Accelerator, all at a preferential mileage rate.<br><br>Providing our partners with <a href=\"/draft-frontier-airlines-members-can-now-earn-with-home-chef\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">new ways for their members to accrue miles outside of travel</a> has been a consistent focus for us in recent years, and one where we have brought several new innovations to market since the start of the pandemic. ConnectMiles Accelerator leverages Points’ Accelerate Anything product, which is one of our fastest developed loyalty solutions. Since its inception in August 2020, it has already been adopted by six international carriers including Copa Airlines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Copa_Quote.png\" alt=\"Pull quote that reads: In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. \" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>As well as generating member engagement and providing loyalty programs with immediate revenue during a time of low travel, <a href=\"/how-to-engage-a-new-member-segment-with-accelerator\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything has been proven to engage new customer segments</a>: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never purchased points/miles before with their program. In addition, these new customer targets are often high-value transactors. In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. <br><br>In addition, once they have completed their first transaction, these members are more likely to interact in the future to purchase additional loyalty currency. One airline that recently implemented the solution found that 25% of members that took advantage of Accelerate Anything re-engaged with their loyalty program to purchase additional miles within just six months.<br><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V01.png\" alt=\"Couple holding hands exploring a canyon\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>Easy to implement, Accelerate Anything has helped members in realizing future travel goals, ensuring that they had enough points/miles to redeem against their next trip when the time came. For Copa Airlines, this latest offering is one of many ways we’re helping them add program value and engagement for their members.</p></span>",
"rss_summary" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"rss_body" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br><!--more-->The period of reduced travel that followed the onset of the pandemic impacted many loyalty members’ ability to accumulate points/miles. <br><br>Now with ConnectMiles Accelerator, members can multiply miles they have earned not only via flying, but also through credit card spend, online shopping and transactions via third parties such as hotels and car rental providers. In addition, they can choose how many times they multiply their miles, by up to three times their value, and also have the option to boost up to 200,000 miles a year using ConnectMiles Accelerator, all at a preferential mileage rate.<br><br>Providing our partners with <a href=\"/draft-frontier-airlines-members-can-now-earn-with-home-chef\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">new ways for their members to accrue miles outside of travel</a> has been a consistent focus for us in recent years, and one where we have brought several new innovations to market since the start of the pandemic. ConnectMiles Accelerator leverages Points’ Accelerate Anything product, which is one of our fastest developed loyalty solutions. Since its inception in August 2020, it has already been adopted by six international carriers including Copa Airlines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Copa_Quote.png\" alt=\"Pull quote that reads: In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. \" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>As well as generating member engagement and providing loyalty programs with immediate revenue during a time of low travel, <a href=\"/how-to-engage-a-new-member-segment-with-accelerator\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything has been proven to engage new customer segments</a>: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never purchased points/miles before with their program. In addition, these new customer targets are often high-value transactors. In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. <br><br>In addition, once they have completed their first transaction, these members are more likely to interact in the future to purchase additional loyalty currency. One airline that recently implemented the solution found that 25% of members that took advantage of Accelerate Anything re-engaged with their loyalty program to purchase additional miles within just six months.<br><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V01.png\" alt=\"Couple holding hands exploring a canyon\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>Easy to implement, Accelerate Anything has helped members in realizing future travel goals, ensuring that they had enough points/miles to redeem against their next trip when the time came. For Copa Airlines, this latest offering is one of many ways we’re helping them add program value and engagement for their members.</p>",
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"postBody" : "<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br><!--more-->The period of reduced travel that followed the onset of the pandemic impacted many loyalty members’ ability to accumulate points/miles. <br><br>Now with ConnectMiles Accelerator, members can multiply miles they have earned not only via flying, but also through credit card spend, online shopping and transactions via third parties such as hotels and car rental providers. In addition, they can choose how many times they multiply their miles, by up to three times their value, and also have the option to boost up to 200,000 miles a year using ConnectMiles Accelerator, all at a preferential mileage rate.<br><br>Providing our partners with <a href=\"/draft-frontier-airlines-members-can-now-earn-with-home-chef\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">new ways for their members to accrue miles outside of travel</a> has been a consistent focus for us in recent years, and one where we have brought several new innovations to market since the start of the pandemic. ConnectMiles Accelerator leverages Points’ Accelerate Anything product, which is one of our fastest developed loyalty solutions. Since its inception in August 2020, it has already been adopted by six international carriers including Copa Airlines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Copa_Quote.png\" alt=\"Pull quote that reads: In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. \" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>As well as generating member engagement and providing loyalty programs with immediate revenue during a time of low travel, <a href=\"/how-to-engage-a-new-member-segment-with-accelerator\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything has been proven to engage new customer segments</a>: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never purchased points/miles before with their program. In addition, these new customer targets are often high-value transactors. In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. <br><br>In addition, once they have completed their first transaction, these members are more likely to interact in the future to purchase additional loyalty currency. One airline that recently implemented the solution found that 25% of members that took advantage of Accelerate Anything re-engaged with their loyalty program to purchase additional miles within just six months.<br><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V01.png\" alt=\"Couple holding hands exploring a canyon\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>Easy to implement, Accelerate Anything has helped members in realizing future travel goals, ensuring that they had enough points/miles to redeem against their next trip when the time came. For Copa Airlines, this latest offering is one of many ways we’re helping them add program value and engagement for their members.</p></span>",
"postBodyRss" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br><!--more-->The period of reduced travel that followed the onset of the pandemic impacted many loyalty members’ ability to accumulate points/miles. <br><br>Now with ConnectMiles Accelerator, members can multiply miles they have earned not only via flying, but also through credit card spend, online shopping and transactions via third parties such as hotels and car rental providers. In addition, they can choose how many times they multiply their miles, by up to three times their value, and also have the option to boost up to 200,000 miles a year using ConnectMiles Accelerator, all at a preferential mileage rate.<br><br>Providing our partners with <a href=\"/draft-frontier-airlines-members-can-now-earn-with-home-chef\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">new ways for their members to accrue miles outside of travel</a> has been a consistent focus for us in recent years, and one where we have brought several new innovations to market since the start of the pandemic. ConnectMiles Accelerator leverages Points’ Accelerate Anything product, which is one of our fastest developed loyalty solutions. Since its inception in August 2020, it has already been adopted by six international carriers including Copa Airlines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Copa_Quote.png\" alt=\"Pull quote that reads: In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. \" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>As well as generating member engagement and providing loyalty programs with immediate revenue during a time of low travel, <a href=\"/how-to-engage-a-new-member-segment-with-accelerator\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything has been proven to engage new customer segments</a>: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never purchased points/miles before with their program. In addition, these new customer targets are often high-value transactors. In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. <br><br>In addition, once they have completed their first transaction, these members are more likely to interact in the future to purchase additional loyalty currency. One airline that recently implemented the solution found that 25% of members that took advantage of Accelerate Anything re-engaged with their loyalty program to purchase additional miles within just six months.<br><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V01.png\" alt=\"Couple holding hands exploring a canyon\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>Easy to implement, Accelerate Anything has helped members in realizing future travel goals, ensuring that they had enough points/miles to redeem against their next trip when the time came. For Copa Airlines, this latest offering is one of many ways we’re helping them add program value and engagement for their members.</p>",
"postEmailContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Hubspot_Thumbnail_V01.png",
"postListContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Hubspot_Thumbnail_V01.png",
"postRssContent" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Hubspot_Thumbnail_V01.png",
"postSummary" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
"postSummaryRss" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br></p>",
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"rssBody" : "<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V02.png\" alt=\"Traveller walking though narrow street flanked with colorful buildings.\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We’re pleased to have had the opportunity to work </span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">with our longstanding partner, Copa Airlines, to <a href=\"https://investor.points.com/news-releases/news-release-details/copa-airlines-introduces-option-connectmiles-members-multiply\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduce one of our latest solutions to their ConnectMiles members</a>. </span><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">ConnectMiles Accelerator provides customers with the option to boost their miles, regardless of whether they were earned on travel or non-travel-related transactions.</span><br><!--more-->The period of reduced travel that followed the onset of the pandemic impacted many loyalty members’ ability to accumulate points/miles. <br><br>Now with ConnectMiles Accelerator, members can multiply miles they have earned not only via flying, but also through credit card spend, online shopping and transactions via third parties such as hotels and car rental providers. In addition, they can choose how many times they multiply their miles, by up to three times their value, and also have the option to boost up to 200,000 miles a year using ConnectMiles Accelerator, all at a preferential mileage rate.<br><br>Providing our partners with <a href=\"/draft-frontier-airlines-members-can-now-earn-with-home-chef\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">new ways for their members to accrue miles outside of travel</a> has been a consistent focus for us in recent years, and one where we have brought several new innovations to market since the start of the pandemic. ConnectMiles Accelerator leverages Points’ Accelerate Anything product, which is one of our fastest developed loyalty solutions. Since its inception in August 2020, it has already been adopted by six international carriers including Copa Airlines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Copa_Quote.png\" alt=\"Pull quote that reads: In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. \" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>As well as generating member engagement and providing loyalty programs with immediate revenue during a time of low travel, <a href=\"/how-to-engage-a-new-member-segment-with-accelerator\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything has been proven to engage new customer segments</a>: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never purchased points/miles before with their program. In addition, these new customer targets are often high-value transactors. In the case of one North American airline that implemented the solution, 84% of members who purchased additional points/miles using Accelerate Anything chose the highest multiplier to boost their balance. <br><br>In addition, once they have completed their first transaction, these members are more likely to interact in the future to purchase additional loyalty currency. One airline that recently implemented the solution found that 25% of members that took advantage of Accelerate Anything re-engaged with their loyalty program to purchase additional miles within just six months.<br><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9407148/Blog_Header_CopaAA_V01.png\" alt=\"Couple holding hands exploring a canyon\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px;\"><br>Easy to implement, Accelerate Anything has helped members in realizing future travel goals, ensuring that they had enough points/miles to redeem against their next trip when the time came. For Copa Airlines, this latest offering is one of many ways we’re helping them add program value and engagement for their members.</p>",
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