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Introducing a new loyalty concept in Canada with Aeroplan

AC_Hubspot_HeroAeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the introduction of Aeroplan Booster. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.

Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.

Accelerate Anything has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.

Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.

One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase.

Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program.

Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.

Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. Members want more flexibility from their programs—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and unique earn/redemption partnerships are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry.

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    "post_summary" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
    "post_body" : "{%- set hs_blog_post_body -%}\n    {%- set in_blog_post_body = true -%}\n    <span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p></span>\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- set hs_blog_post_summary -%}\n    <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %}",
    "rss_summary" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
    "rss_body" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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  "postBody" : "{%- set hs_blog_post_body -%}\n    {%- set in_blog_post_body = true -%}\n    <span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p></span>\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- set hs_blog_post_summary -%}\n    <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>\n{%- endset -%}\n{%- blog_post_data_wall_wrapper body={{hs_blog_post_body}}, summary={{hs_blog_post_summary}} %}",
  "postBodyRss" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
  "postEmailContent" : "<p>Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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  "postListContent" : "<p>Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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  "postRssContent" : "<p>Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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  "postSummary" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
  "postSummaryRss" : "<p>Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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  "rssBody" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
  "rssSummary" : "<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"AC_Hubspot_Hero\" width=\"1742\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1742px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\">Aeroplan members have a new way to reach their travel goals sooner with the <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">introduction of Aeroplan Booster</a>. Just launched, this new benefit enables members to accrue points quickly without the need for additional travel. With Booster, it’s possible to multiply points earned both by flying and non-travel-related transactions such as credit card spend and online shopping. Members have access to a preferential rate and can choose to boost their points by up to five times their value.<br><br>Aeroplan Booster is the latest in a series of product integrations we’ve delivered for Aeroplan since the beginning of our partnership in 2016. It leverages Accelerate Anything, one of our most in-demand products since launching in August 2020.<br><br><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Accelerate Anything</a> has proven to be a fast and convenient way to help members reach and redeem their travel rewards; while also targeting new customer segments.<br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: 61% of members who used Accelerate Anything to boost their balance had never purchased points/miles with their program.*  *Data from North American airline partner, June 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>One airline partner who recently introduced an Accelerate Anything loyalty solution discovered that those members who used this benefit became more engaged with their program in general. Customer behaviour was tracked over a three-month period post-purchase. <br><br>Those who had used the feature earned on average double the number of additional miles in the three months following their activation of this benefit; when compared to members who had not taken advantage of the service. It has also been an effective tool in targeting new customer segments: 61% of members that have taken advantage of the service had never transacted before to purchase points/miles with their program. <br><br><img src=\"\" alt=\"Data quote: Earn rates for members who transacted with Accelerate Anything nearly doubled in the three months post-purchase.*  *When compared to members who did not transact with Accelerate Anything. Data from EMEA airline partner, August 2021.\" width=\"1680\" loading=\"lazy\" style=\"width: 1680px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;\"><br><br>Consumers’ positive reception to points/miles multipliers can also be connected to a larger shift in loyalty program members' attitudes. <a href=\"/is-your-loyalty-program-prepared-for-these-five-travel-trends\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Members want more flexibility from their programs</a>—a trend was accelerated during the pandemic when too few earning and redemption opportunities threatened to make loyalty programs feel too rigid. Updating program features through products like Aeroplan Booster and <a href=\"/introducing-the-first-ever-loyalty-program-for-renters\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">unique earn/redemption partnerships</a> are just a few of the ways we’re assisting our partners and members get the most out of the ever-evolving travel industry. <br><br></p>",
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